Location: Finland

Monday, May 25, 2009

Isn't USA nice?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am not a racist, terrorist or a mobster. I'm just a student. From a place where the soil is governed by American agenda. My country and its leaders does what USA wants them to. So I should be considered its worthy servant too. But today I got my wake up call. Racism, terrorism is not what is found in the rest of the world its actually found in USA itself. I'm sparing people living there from this term. Because people are always politicized, cheated and ignored.
I hate people who rule America and who come up with the policies to humiliate other nations.

2:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a European I am absolutely sick of the arrogance of American statesmen and women, showing a wilful ignorance of the outside world and securing their own people's support by promising that 'American citizens' have not been spied on by their own government. Do they not see how that looks to somebody outside? I don't know about everyone else but it doesn't reassure me that 280 million people across the Atlantic from me haven't been spied on when the contents of my calls and facebook posts are automatically logged by the NSA. A little tip: building an international order around your own values and economic system doesn't work if you totally disregard the fundamental rights of everyone who you are hoping to inspire with your vision and ideals: in this case even the British who they supposedly have a 'special relationship' with.

1:52 AM  

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